The Vermont Statewide Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is an unduplicated count of persons experiencing homelessness in both unsheltered and sheltered (in a homeless program) places on a single night. The PIT Count allows local communities and state policy makers to understand current problems of homelessness, target limited funding to appropriate housing and services, and track progress. As stipulated in the HEARTH/McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, the PIT Count also allows us in securing funding from HUD Continuum of Care & Emergency Solutions Programs, HHS Runaway & Homeless Youth Programs, Veterans Affairs Homeless Programs, and others.
Please see final 2013 PIT form and the new 2013 User’s Guide attached and distribute widely. The User’s Guide outlines the specific times to conduct the count for both sheltered and unsheltered populations. 2013 VT PIT Form 2013 PIT User’s Guide If you have any questions, contact your local coordinator or: Daniel Blankenship Vermont State Housing Authority 1 Prospect Street, Montpelier, VT 05602 Main Office: (802) 828-3295 * Direct: (802) 828-0294 Email: * Website: