August 31, 2011 Flood information and Request from the Agency of Commerce and Community Development Housing Council members and Friends, The devastation caused by Hurricane Irene exceeds anything we have experienced in our lifetimes. Vermonters have lost their homes, businesses and, in some cases their entire communities. It is heartbreaking. The state is currently in crisis management and assessment mode right now, establishing access to isolated communities, identifying needs and seeking federal assistance. Individuals should call 211 for immediate assistance and to report damages. The Agency of Commerce and Community Development has established a call line (802-828-3211) for housing providers and businesses to report damage caused by the storm. We are collecting this information for FEMA’s preliminary damage assessment and to make the strongest case possible for federal assistance. It will also allow us to identify gaps in assistance the state must try to fill. This request and information will be sent to the local public housing authorities, local housing nonprofits and community action agencies. We will also send it to all mobile home park owners registered with the state and to the landlords’ association. Please forward this to your own staff, partners, affiliates or grantees not included in the groups above. Encourage them to call and report. We have been reaching out to our partners and have many early reports of residents and properties in jeopardy but need to collect the information in a more comprehensive way. We have also assembled information and links to resources over the past few days to help those affected, as well as information on where to report damages – please see the attached document for details. Information is also available on our website and will be updated as it becomes available. Thank you for your help. Jen Jennifer Hollar Deputy Commissioner Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development 802-828-5208 office 802-828-3258 fax