From our friends at VHCC:
Greetings housing and conservation colleagues,
The VHCC annual meeting date has been changed! It will now coincide with VHCB’s conference on October 10 in downtown Barre. (Here’s a link.)
We hope this will reduce travel time for members and offer an opportunity for a broader segment of our members to engage in advocacy planning while leveraging the inspiration of the conference in our work.
The exact location in Barre hasn’t been determined, but we will plan our meeting between 12:15 and 1:45 pm. We’ll provide lunch, so let us know that you’re coming by sending an RSVP to Chris Donnelly at CHT (email: We understand this creates a conflict with some great discussions and field trips as part of the conference – our apologies, and DO register for those if you want to participate in them instead of the VHCC annual meeting.
We’ll have a further update soon, but for now know the October 2nd date is canceled, and we’ll be convening for a VHCC annual meeting on October 10 in Barre.
VHCC Co-Chairs,
Chris Donnelly
Director of Community Relations, Champlain Housing Trust
Molly Dugan
Support And Services at Home (SASH) Director, Cathedral Square Corporation
Phil Huffman
Director of Government Relations and Policy, The Nature Conservancy
Tracy Zschau
Vice President for Conservation, Vermont Land Trust