2016 Vermont Collective Impact Conference Two-day conference: November 2-3, 2016 Stoweflake Resort & Conference Center, Stowe, Vermont
We are pleased to share the good news that the 2016 Vermont Collective Impact Conference will be held on November 2-3, 2016. This statewide, two-day conference will build on the momentum of the 2015 Collective Impact Conference and will provide opportunities for teams of stakeholders to learn and work together in furthering emerging or existing Collective Impact efforts. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend with existing partners; teams may include community leaders, business leaders, nonprofits, policy makers, government at all levels, funders, advocates and other stakeholders working together to achieve common priorities through Collective Impact. Rooms will be available for conference participants at the Stoweflake Resort & Conference Center. Stay tuned for more details and registration information – and feel free to forward this news to anyone you know who may be interested in attending. Visit www.vermontcollectiveimpact.org for more information over the coming months. Conference sponsorship opportunities are available; for more information contact Amy Carmola amy@unitedwaycc.org.