The registration deadline for the 2014 Vermont Statewide Housing Conference has been extended to Friday, November 7th! The biannual conference will be held Wednesday, November 19th at the Hilton Burlington. Over 350 people have already registered for the event, which includes presentations from some of our local housing leaders as well as national experts on the subject such as:
Sheila Crowley, President and CEO, National Low Income Housing Coalition
Ann O’Hara, Senior Consultant, Technical Assistance Collaborative
Steve Day, Senior Consultant, Technical Assistance Collaborative
Sarah Gallagher, New England Program Director, Corporation for Supportive Housing
Brenda Clement, Executive Director, Citizens Housing and Planning Association
Betsy Crum, Executive Director, Connecticut Housing Coalition
Julie Campoli, Urban designer and author, Terra Firma Urban Design
Diana Deng, Policy and Communications Analyst, Partnership for Strong Communities
Anthony Poore, Senior Community Development Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Barry Zigas, Director of Housing Policy, Consumer Federation of America
Register now for only $75 to receive access to all of the following:
A full day of workshops and presentations.
Plenty of opportunities for peer networking including a special reception at 4:15.
Exclusive online access to conference materials and attendees database following the event.
Free parking at the Hilton Burlington.
Access to exhibit tables by conference sponsors and others.
The Vermont Statewide Housing Conference is Vermont’s largest gathering of housing professionals. Held every other year, the event draws upwards of 450 people from all over Vermont and beyond from many sectors of the housing industry: Development, construction, financing, legislation, advocacy, policy and more. The VAHC helps in planning this event along with many other partners throughout the state including:
Vermont Housing Finance Agency
Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development
Housing Vermont
USDA-Rural Development
Vermont Housing and Conservation Board
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO)
Vermont Realtors®
Vermont Mortgage Bankers Association