On Friday, December 6, 2013 join the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition in Framingham, Massachusetts at the Sheraton Hotel for the New England Housing Network Annual Conference. The conference will offer folks in affordable housing and community development organizations all across New England the chance to share ideas and best practices. In particular many of the conference workshops and speakers will focus on how the economic crisis is impacting housing and support services throughout our region and how to best continue our support for programs and operations with diminishing funding sources available. Register online now.
The full agenda for the one-day conference has now been released and it is packed. Review the agenda here.
The registration deadline is Wednesday, November 27, 2013. The conference fee is $85.00. We encourage you to register online. You can also send your registration in by mail, please see and print the last page of this document.
A little more about the conference:
Join housing advocates, developers, housing authorities, government officials, tenants, lenders, service providers, attorneys, and many others involved in the creation, management, and preservation of affordable housing from all six New England states for a one-day conference dealing with issues critical to our region. Conference participants will learn the latest information from national and local experts, share information on affordable housing and community development initiatives in each of our states, and learn how the current economic crisis will impact our efforts. Our day will include plenary sessions featuring national advocacy organizations and the housing finance agency directors from all six states; a choice of two specialized workshops; and an opportunity to engage in a “structured networking” session with people working in similar positions from other states.
To reserve a hotel room for Thursday, December 5 at a group rate of $119.00, please call 1.508.879.7200 before November 22, 2013.
VAHC is proud to be one of the lead agencies for this conference. We hope you have the opportunity to attend. For more information please contact Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association at 617.742.0820.