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CVOEO Launches the Rent Right Program

Writer's picture: David MartinsDavid Martins

Our friends over at the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity have launched a new program designed to assist folks with skill training centered on finding and maintaining rental housing.  VTDigger has CVOEO’s announcement of the Rent Right Program:

There is a set of basic skills many of us are never taught—how to be a good tenant. This is why the staff of Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity’s Vermont Tenants, Financial Futures and Housing Assistance programs have teamed up to create and implement the Rent Right Program. This educational program directly addresses homelessness by targeting the causes. To be eligible, participants must be either currently homeless, have a history of chronic homelessness, be precariously housed, or be first-time renters. Participants attend 10 hours of course work and individual sessions as well as commit to follow-up work with the program. The curriculum covers credit repair and building; spending management skills; setting financial goals; communicating with and understanding the landlord’s perspective; legal responsibilities and avoiding eviction; and much more. Those who successfully complete the course are awarded a “Preferred Renter” card, giving them a significant edge in a tight housing market. Jan Demers, Executive Director of CVOEO says, “The Rent Right Program comes out of work being done in our communities through the Community Housing Grant. The program offers skills and life training that is an invaluable asset to any renter.” The program’s first group is underway with referrals from Chittenden County shelters and social services agencies. Classes are also planned in Addison and Franklin County.

This Thursday, November 21, at 5:25pm tune-in to CCTV Channel 17 to hear more about the Rent Right Program from Pam Favreau, Director of Vermont Tenants, Maribeth Seaman, Housing Advocate with Chittenden Community Action at CVOEO, and Gillian Franks, Financial Educator with CVOEO’s Financial Futures Program.

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