Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission and the Fair Housing Project of CVOEO will be hosting a special panel presentation and group discussion on the models and benefits of building inclusive and economically vibrant communities. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 11 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in Bethel at the Bethel Town Hall. Topics and Panelists will include:
Julie Campoli, an expert on density issues, will speak on Density Done Well. Campoli is the author of Visualizing Density, a book named by PLANetizen as one of the Top 10 Books of 2008, and which Bill McKibben says “makes an abstract concept—density—completely real and easy to understand, to feel. Planning board members, town zoning officials, or anyone charged with figuring out the vexing future of our physical landscape will profit from reading it, and find pleasure, too.” Loralee Morrow of TRORC will present on the East Central Vermont Sustainable Community Regional Plan. Morrow will detail how the Housing Plan Element of the HUD-funded Sustainable Community Regional Plan and the Housing Workgroup, made up of housing professionals from around the region, came together to create goals, policies and recommended actions intended to help create a diversity of housing in the East Central Vermont Region. Dr. John Emmeus Davis will speak on the Models of Affordable Housing Ownership. Davis is a partner and co-founder of Burlington Associates in Community Development, a national consulting cooperative specializing in the development of policies and programs promoting permanently affordable, owner-occupied housing. Davis formerly was housing director for Burlington, Vermont in the mayoral administrations of Bernie Sanders and Peter Clavelle. Ted Wimpey, Director of CVOEO’s Fair Housing Project and Chair of the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition, will speak on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, the Carrots and Sticks. Wimpey will detail how some funds have strings attached but those funds and even the strings can work for communities.
Come join interested citizens and policymakers and be a part of the discussion on Wednesday, June 11. The Bethel Town Hall is located at 318 Main Street.
Learn more here.