In-Person Event
Planning for Vibrant Communities
October 26, 2022
New Date: Planning for Vibrant Communities
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
8:00AM to 1:00PM
Green Mountain Support Services
93 James Road Morrisville VT 05661
When current and prospective residents cannot find homes to rent or purchase, we must recognize that this is a county-wide, shared problem necessitating community and intertown collaboration to solve.
Planning For Vibrant Communities is the second of a two-part Housing Summit series hosted by Lamoille Housing Partnership and the Lamoille Working Communities Challenge. Community members concerned about housing challenges in Hardwick and Lamoille County are invited to join housing professionals, local organizations, the private sector, and municipalities to collaboratively develop housing-related action plans in an effort to solve some of the area’s most pressing housing challenges, including public transportation enhancement, water and sewer infrastructure enhancement, growth center expansion, Act 250 modernization, and community education regarding affordable housing and homeless shelters.
Attend in person at Green Mountain Support Services. Refreshments and lunch will be served. Open to the public and free to attend.
The 2022 Housing Summit Series has generous support from TD Bank Charitable Foundation and Lamoille Area Board of Realtors, and is collaboratively hosted by Lamoille Housing Partnership and the Working Communities Challenge with support from the Vermont Council On Rural Development.
Lamoille Housing Partnership collaborates with communities to create and preserve quality affordable housing opportunities for lower and moderate income earning households in Hardwick and Lamoille County. Since 1991, the nonprofit organization has developed more than 300 income eligible, affordable rental homes. Learn more at www.lamoillehousing.org.
Questions: contact Kerrie Lohr, Advancement & Communications Director
Please visit our new Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont website at www.hhav.org!