Tonight is the start of this year’s Point-In-Time Count. The PIT Count allows local communities and state policy makers to understand current problems of homelessness, target limited funding to appropriate services, and track progress. As stipulated in the HEARTH/McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, the PIT Count also allows us to secure funding from HUD Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Programs, HHS Runaway & Homeless Youth Programs, Veterans Affairs Homeless Programs, and others. If you are homeless tonight, please call 2-1-1 to make sure you are counted. By being counted, you are helping keep resources in our communities. NOTE – as always: Survivors of domestic/sexual violence and households with a person with HIV/AIDS do not need to provide initials of names or date of birth (If possible, please provide YEAR). This year’s point-in-time counts those homeless from 6:00PM (Tuesday, January 28th) to 6:00AM (Wednesday, January 29th).
Review the Point-In-Time Survey Form (PDF). Also in Word format here.
Check out the 2014 Point-In-Time User Guide.
Further instruction on filling out the P.I.T. form here.
Once survey forms are competed they must be sent to your local CoC coordinator, or designated contact by no later than February 5th, 2014. Local coordinators in the Balance of State Continuum will then send the forms to VCEH Chair Jeanne Montross.
Your local coordinator’s name and address should be listed at the top of the PIT survey form. For a list of your local coordinators for this year’s Point-In-Time, click here.
In order to meet federal deadlines and requirements, it is important to make sure your forms are sent to your local coordinator by February 5th, 2014.