There will be a brief common rental application informational meeting on August 23rd, following the Fair Housing training and VHMA 30th anniversary lunch at Shelburne Farms from 1:45pm-3:30pm. (See Memo) The VHMA, VHFA, VHCB, and DEHCD have been working on a common rental application for affordable housing properties throughout Vermont. They have produced a draft common rental application and are looking to get feedback from the community in order to finalize the application and place it at its permanent location on the Directory of Affordable Rental Housing (DoARH) website. They will be available to answer questions on the Common Application and would also like to take a little time to get feedback from interested managers on some of the issues raised at the recent Governor’s Summit on Homelessness. More information: Robin Howe, Vermont Housing Financy Agency, 802.652.3448, Email
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