ACTION ALERT: SIGN ON LETTER OPPOSING SENATE AMENDMENT HARMFUL TO CDBG Tell the Senate to Reject Language Stripping CDBG Funding from Sanctuary Cities Deadline: Tuesday, September 8th COB Please join the Coalition in signing on to a letter urging members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject the Vitter-Grassley substitute amendment to the Stop Sanctuary Cities Act (S. 1814) that would strip CDBG funding from communities that have immigrant “sanctuary” laws and policies in place. The amendment will be offered during a bill mark-up tentatively scheduled for September 10. The letter is open to national, state and local groups, so please circulate widely. To sign on, please fill out the web form located here: To read the letter, click here. Questions? Contact Elayne Weiss at the National Low Income Housing Coalition: (202) 507-7462 or
ACTION ALERT: SIGN LETTER OPPOSING CONGRESSIONAL ASSAULT ON FAIR HOUSING Tell the Senate to Reject the House Anti-Fair Housing Language in Spending Bills Deadline: Friday, September 4th Please join the Coalition, the National Fair Housing Alliance, and hundreds of organizations around the country in signing on to a letter asking the Senate to reject the House’s harmful anti-fair housing amendments in any final spending legislation. In June, the House of Representatives approved FY 16 spending bills for the Department of Justice and the Department of Housing and Urban Development with several amendments attached that severely undercut local fair housing enforcement and prohibit the federal government from using its authority to advance the Fair Housing Act’s mission of supporting diverse, inclusive communities where everyone has access to the resources they need to succeed. No one should be denied a home because of who they are. We must do everything in our power to prevent housing discrimination from occurring. Stand with us in opposition to this assault on fair housing by signing on to the letter. Click here to read the letter and sign your organization on. Click Here for a brief fact sheet about the House’s anti-fair housing amendments. Questions? Contact Jorge Andres Soto at the National Fair Housing Alliance: (202) 898-1661 ext 139,