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Rental Housing Safety Bill


Formerly known as S.79, a Rental Housing Safety Bill remains a key priority. Advocates are working at different tables around moving legislation forward that meets the concerns raised by the Governor in his veto letter, and yet still satisfies the needs expressed by this dynamic and important legislation. There is more than one conversation happening around what that strategy looks like, and VAHC is at those tables. We will continue to support a Rental Housing Safety Bill in the 2022 Legislative Session.


Just Cause Eviction


Having been passed through the Burlington City Council last year, this measure now is included in an “omnibus” bill along with three other non-related changes for approval in the Legislature. Advocates are seeking support for JCE to get its fair chance in the legislative process. 


Tax Credits, Bylaw Modernization & One-Stop Water/Wastewater Connections


In the 2021 Legislative Session, S.101 included an increase to tax credit funding, the expansion of eligibility to designated neighborhood development areas, and would streamline permitting for water and wastewater connectivity to municipal systems. It would fund the modernization of municipal bylaws for the creation of housing in smart growth areas. After successful passage from the Senate, the House removed the first two provisions, and added the transfer tax on $1M properties to fund the increase to the manufactured housing tax credit. In the end, the two chambers were unable to come together prior to the end of the session despite a conversation about reinstating what had been removed. VAHC supports the passage of S.101, particularly with the original provisions included. 

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All art throughout our website was made in our Voices of Home Project.

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